Key Distinguisher #6: Credit for Learning from Work
Work experiences are paid and lead to the acquisition of academic credit toward a degree and/or an employer-valued credential. There are systems in place to ensure that the experience is leading—or has led—to specific knowledge and competencies that are connected to academic requirements and classroom learning.
Features of Credit for Learning from Work
- Work experiences are paid, and there are opportunities for young people to translate the knowledge and skills gained into academic credit.
- Work experiences are connected to coursework designed to help students articulate how their work experience relates to their course of study and the real-world application of their classroom learning.
- Stakeholders work together to create easily accessible and transparent tools that can help young people map their career pathways—including information on necessary competencies, coursework, and credentials for occupations of interest
- Programs are oriented around in-demand skills—for priority occupations and progressive pathways—and are driven by the talent needs of employers across a wide range of industries.
- Employers, educators, and other WBL providers engage in practices—such as one-on-one mentorships, placement rotations, and employee youth advisory councils— that help young people foster the connection between their interests, classroom learning, and work experiences.